ORC/NTRO – The National Trade Register Office.
Obligatiune cu cupon/Coupon Bond – A bond with an interest by which the issuer agrees to pay an amount of money to the holder, at certain intervals of time, as well as to payback the full value of the bond at maturity date or the remaining principal.
Obligatiune/Bond – Is a mobile value issued with interest (or with discount, in the case of zero – coupon bonds) by which the issuer undertakes to pay the holder, at certain time intervals, a certain amount of money, called a coupon, as well as to return the principal on maturity. Bonds can be issued by the state (government bonds), municipalities (municipal bonds or “munies”), trade companies (corporate bonds or “corporate”), etc.
Obligatiuni municipale/Municipal Bonds – Bonds issued by the local administrative authorities, i.e counties, municipals, towns and villages.
OEVM/SRO – securities records office.
Oferta publica de cumparare/Public purchase offer – The offer of a person to purchase securities, addressed to all their holders, circulated by mass media or communicated via other means, but providing that equal possibility to receive that information by the securities holders shall be ensured.
Oferta publica de preluare/Takeover bid – Public purchase offer that results, for one who promotes, the acquisition of more than 33% of the voting rights of a company.
Oferta publica de valori mobiliare/Offer of securities to the public – Means a communication to persons in any form and by any means, presenting sufficient information on the terms of the offer and the securities to be offered, so as to enable the investor to decide to sell, purchase or subscribe to these securities. This definition shall also be applicable to the placing of securities through financial intermediaries.
Oferta publica de schimb/Exchange offer – Securities public offer in which the bidder offers / accept in exchange for securities they intend to buy / sell other securities.
Oferta publica de vanzare/Public sale offering – The offering of a person to sell securities or other rights attached to them, distributed by mass information measures or communicated through other ways, with the condition of the possibility of equal reception from minimum 100 persons undetermined in any way by the offering’d author.
Oferta publica initiala de vanzare de valori mobiliare/Initial public sale offer of securities – Is the first IPO of shares of a closed company, from which that company becomes open company.
Oferta publica primara/Initial public offering – Aiming a public offering by the issuer of securities proposed to be subscribed on the issue data, in order to be placed on the market.
Oferta publica secundara/Secondary offering – The issuance of new stock for public sale from a company that has already made its initial public offering (IPO). Usually, these kinds of public offerings are made by companies wishing to refinance, or raise capital for growth. Money raised from these kinds of secondary offerings goes to the company, through the investment bank that underwrites the offering.
Ofertant de valori mobiliare/Securities issuer – Issuer or securities owner that offers to subscription or sale the securities that he owns through public offering.
Operator independent/Systematic internaliser – Intermediary which, on an organized, frequent and systematic basis, deals on own account by executing client orders outside a regulated market or an alternative trading system.
Operatorul sistemului de compensare-decontare/Clearing system operator – The entity or entities responsible for legally operating a clearing system. A Clearing system operator may act including as settlement agent, central counterparty or clearing house.
Optiune/Option – Contract between a buyer and a seller, giving to the buyer the rights but not the obligation to buy or sell a particular asset – commodities, financial titles or monetary instruments, at a certain future date, as obtained in exchange of payment to the seller of a premium.
Ordin/Order – Instruction to buy or sell a certain financial instrument. The term is generally used, referring to orders, informative quotations, firm quotations or deals.
Ordin Deal/Deal order – The tender offer of buying or selling of a specified number of financial instruments, which is directly transmitted by an exchange tied agent (initiator) towards another exchange tied agent (counterparty). The identity of the two exchange tied agents is not known by the rest of the Participants.
Ordin Anulat/Canceled Order – A purchase order canceled before execution. An order may be canceled at any time if not executed.
Ordin contingent/Contingent order – Is the order that is activated as a result of executing a transaction on the respective symbol in the main market, and its price meets the price criteria specified by comparing it with the price of order activation.
Ordin Day/Order Day – Valid only for the duration of the trading session.
Ordin de bursa/Exchange order – Represents the purchase or sales instruction introduced in the electronic trading system by a trading member for the purpose of concluding a transaction involving FD.
Ordin fara pret/Un-priced order – Is the type of order which does not have a specified price at time of entry on the trading system, but becomes a limit order via allocation of the best market price.
Ordin Good Till Date/Good Till Date Order – Valid up to a specified date (of the format yyyy-mm-dd, year-month-day), no longer than 62 days as of the last order update.
Ordin Hidden/Hidden order – The type of order displaying only a part of the total quantity (volume).
Ordin la piata/Market order (MKT) – Is the type of order for buying/selling at the best market price, via the open price limit mechanism.
Ordin limita/Limit order – The order to buy or sell a financial instrument at its specified price limit or better and for a specified size.
Ordin respins/Rejected Order – An order is not valid or acceptable.
Ordin Deschis /Open Order – Valid up to execution or withdrawal, no longer than 62 calendar days as of the last order update.
Ordin FOK/FOK Order (Fill or Kill or Execute or Cancel) – To be executed immediately.
Ordin Stop-loss/Stop-Loss order – An order designed to limit loss of the investor at times the price is enrolling on a course undesirable. The investor can set their maximum loss that want to uphold and place such an order to sell at a certain price, ensuring that the market will not drop more during the time that he is not observing its evolution.
Ordin take profit/Take Profit Order – An order to mark the profit and will be triggered when the position reaches a predetermined level of profit. This order eliminates the risk that the market return before investor to observe.
Organism de autoreglementare/Self regulatory organisation – Professional organization operating on the capital market based on rules and skills recognized by F.S.A./R.N.S.C. and which aims to compliance by its members.
Organism de plasament colectiv/Collective investment undertakings – Organised undertakings, with or without legal personality, hereinafter called O.P.C. which attracts, either privately or publicly, the financial resources of natural and/or legal persons, in order to invest them in accordance with the provisions of this law and with the regulations issued by F.S.A./R.N.S.C.