Terms and Conditions
The use of this site assumes that you read the terms and conditions of use and that you totally agree with them.
VIENNA INVESTMENT TRUST does not guarantee, explicit or implicit, the reality, the actuality and the integrity of the data and information presented on the site. The data and the information regarding any type of financial instruments, presented on this site, do not represent recommendations, indications or guarantees of the quality or the performance of these instruments. VIENNA INVESTMENT TRUST will not be held responsible for any losses or damages which could occur, directly or indirectly, because or related to the use of this site.
According to the provisions of law 677/2001 you have the following rights: the informational right, the access right, the intervention right, the right not to comply with any individual decision, the right to address to justice. In order to use these rights please contact us by using the link “Contact”.
VIENNA INVESTMENT TRUST sets apart the right to modify anytime and without previous notification of the clients and of the public, the content and the structure of the site. VIENNA INVESTMENT TRUST cannot guarantee that the present site does not contain errors, although we seek to present the information as clear and correct as possible. We will also make all the necessary efforts in order to remediate the errors in case they occur.